In prior years, there were few options for dentures; traditional full dentures or partial dentures. Today, there are many options which include denture implants. Denture implants have a variety of benefits for patients due to their full support structure in the jaw. They act as natural anchors in the mouth that replicate the roots of missing teeth, which gives dentures something to stabilize onto. If the jaw does not have anything to stabilize onto, your face would begin to appear sunken over time, which results in sagging facial features. Because they are screwed and snapped in place, patients will not have to worry about them moving around, slipping out of their mouth, or become loose and cause sores.
At Associates Denture, we work with many Red Deer Oral Surgeons that place the implants. Then, we build the complete or partial denture to attach to it. Currently we work with: ERA RV, ERA RV MICRO, IMPLANT DIRECT, GPS, ANKYLOS, VARIO-KUGAL-SNAP, IMTEC MINI, BIO HORRIZON, STRAUMAN, NOBEL, NOVALOC, BALL- MINI STANDARD LARGE, IMZ, ALLEGRO, HADER BAR, NEO DENT, and ZIMMER.
It is important to note that we do not place the implants, and the information on this page is provided for information only.
Implant-supported dentures and implant-retained dentures are both unique ways to ensure that dentures are stable within the mouth. Both methods have become vastly popular due to their fitted natures that provide a great look, function, and comfort.
Implant-retained dentures are a more cost-efficient treatment as they require fewer implants. This means that the dentures are removable and need to be taken care of to ensure they do not become cracked or chipped. Most implant-supported dentures are fixed to four or more implants to provide a stronger bite. This treatment also tends to be more expensive because of the need for more implants. Both forms of dentures require strong bone that the implants can be inserted into. It is because of this that dental implants may not be for everyone.
An implant-retained denture is an implant-supported denture supported by both dental implants and your gums. However, implant-retained dentures have a special piece that allows them to secure onto the implants and are removeable. Implant-retained dentures can be used for both the upper and lower arches but tend to be used more for the lower as it requires more stability than the upper. An implant-retained denture is beneficial to patients who are interested in an easy and quick procedure, want to refrain from having any dietary restrictions, and last for a long time. Although there are great benefits with implant-retained dentures, it is important to understand that the procedure takes time.
A patient needs to have x-rays and impressions taken of their teeth and jaw to evaluate their bone, gum tissue, and spacing. Once the implants have been placed, the bone will need an average of three-to-six-months to heal. After the implants have had time to heal, the dentures can be made to fit the implants. This form of denture is attached to and held in place by implant locators, which are the in-between piece that allows the dentures to snap into place.
It is important to note that not all patients qualify for implant-retained dentures as they require a strong and sturdy jaw bone for the implant. It would be best to contact our office if you are curious about implant-retained dentures and we can evaluate your current oral health to see if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
When a patient loses their teeth, it can impact more than just their smile. Implant-supported dentures are great for patients who are seeking a more secure option for their dentures. Implant-supported dentures are when four or more implants are inserted into the bone to provide an anchor for the dentures. Once the implants have been inserted into the bone, the dentures are placed on top to provide comfort and stability and are fully supported by the implant. These dentures tend to be made of a customized acrylic arch of artificial teeth which are removeable and screw retained. This is one of the more expensive denture procedures as the cost varies from patient to patient.
Many patient's who have complete dentures know that there is the possibility of shifting. With implant-supported dentures there is much more stability because the dentures are affixed to the implants. This type of denture is sturdier, allowing for smoother talking and eating. Although other solutions may be more cost-friendly, implant-supported dentures are a long-term solution for missing teeth.
Rediscover your confidence and your smile by using dentures that truly make a difference
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We understand that trying to find a nearby denturist you can trust is difficult, that is why we make it easy for you to work with us.
(403) 986-2289
5212 48 St, Suite D103
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