Complete dentures are a type of denture that is used to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. They can be placed on the top, bottom, or on both arches. They are customized to every patient and will help restore your smile and function to its original state without being uncomfortable.
Partial dentures are used to replace gaps in your mouth caused by missing teeth. They tend to be made of a combination of metal and acrylic. A partial denture also ensures that there is no shift or rotation of the surrounding teeth which could disrupt your facial structure.
Immediate dentures are recommended for patients that are in the process of undergoing dental extractions. Before the extraction, we will take an impression and measurements of your teeth and gums. We will work with you on the desired colour, shape, and size of your new dentures.
When dentures become ill-fitting, it is important to note that they do not just improve on their own and you should never try to fix them yourself. You should only have your dentures repaired by a denturist to ensure they do not become worse and cause other issues in your mouth.
Advancements in dental technology have allowed dentures to increase their longevity. It is because of these advancements that patients who suffer from sensitive gums can have their dentures relined. Dentures can become worn by overcleaning or simply because of overuse.
In prior years, there were few options for dentures; traditional full dentures or partial dentures. Today, there are many options which include denture implants. Denture implants have a variety of benefits for patients due to their full support structure in the jaw. They act as natural anchors in the mouth.
Rediscover your confidence and your smile by using dentures that truly make a difference
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Please note, if this is a denture emergency, it would be best to call our clinic as this will be the fastest way to reach us (403) 986-2289.
We understand that trying to find a nearby denturist you can trust is difficult, that is why we make it easy for you to work with us.
(403) 986-2289
5212 48 St, Suite D103
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